Blog-Post_SEQ-IBS-Non-Edit_MAX_150106.jpgThis month, the SEQICC is releasing the first South East Queensland Indigenous Business Survey. The aim of the survey is to gather information that will allow the SEQICC to plan for the coming decade. We want to provide the best services we can, but to do that, we need information in two key areas:

1. Indigenous Entrepreneurs: Indigenous entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of Indigenous business activity and are the core clients of the SEQICC. In the survey we will ask our entrepreneurs questions like: What type of business do you have? What kinds of services do you need? How can we help you grow your business?

Survey link:

2. Indigenous Business Stakeholders: We’re continuously approached by agencies and government programs to provide assistance and advice. Yet these organisations and agencies are not our members, nor are they necessarily our core business. However we recognise that by supporting their work, they in turn support the work in the Indigenous community more broadly. In the survey, we will ask our stakeholders to tell us about their organisation, its needs and what products we can develop to assist them.

Stakeholders (including not-for-profit and government agencies) survey link:

If you know anyone who fits into the above categories, please feel free to share the links. The more data we have the better service we can provide.

The Survey Tool

The survey tool we have chose to use is Google Forms. You do not need a password or log-in. The survey is anonymous. We will be posting the results of the survey on our website and through our newsletter. However you will need to go online in order to complete the survey.

If you are having difficult completing the online form, please let me know so that I can arrange an alternative option. My email is

The survey tool will be open from the 6th to the 29th of January 2015.

I apologise in advance for the constant reminding about this initiative you will receive over the following month. However it’s important that we get a strong cross section of our community.

Cheers, Leesa Watego, CEO Iscariot Media, Acting President SEQICC